Fair Trade & Ethical Sourcing

Woodeedoo is a company with morals. We are focused on ethical sourcing, fair trade and being as environmentally friendly as possible. We believe that people should consider buying less, buying responsibly and buying quality products, as opposed to purchasing cheaper products that aren’t as environmentally or ethically friendly. For this reason we aren’t always the cheapest on the market, but we are definitely in line with other businesses that pride themselves on supplying products that are good for us and good for the earth.

We work closely with lots of small, family run businesses who offer reliable and fair employment in their local community. We make sure every single one of our partners provides fair wages and good working conditions for their employees. Fair trade is the only trade that we deal in. We negotiate fair and proper prices with our suppliers, and pay instantly - leaving no cash flow issues or tricky financial juggling. Woodeedoo has been working with these same suppliers for years now, and we’ve been a huge part in the progression of these companies. We have grown together.

Our success has brought more jobs, more trade and more financial stability to not only these companies, but to the smaller subcontractors, families and communities that they support. We’re enormously proud of what we have achieved in every department, but mostly of our positive impact in the lives of the people that we’ve come to know so well.

All of our items are sourced from Europe, meaning lower transportation costs, CO2 emissions and environmental impact, compared to products that are imported from Asia. This also means we have an in-depth knowledge of the work conditions of the people creating our products.